Owner manual

HP NonStop SQL DDL Replicator Users Guide545799-005
Installing SDR
This section describes the installation of SDR. It covers the following topics:
Initial Installation
Updating SDR Software
Enabling DDL Capture when Updating NonStop SQL Software or the Operating
Disabling DDL Capture
Removing SDR Software
SDR works closely with RDF and must be installed on the RDF primary and backup
systems. Versions of SDR software must be the same on all systems.
Read the Software Release Document before you install SDR.
SDR works with RDF and RDF/IMP as described in NonStop Kernel and RDF
Compatibility on page 1-4.
Like RDF, you must be a member of the SUPER group to perform SDR operations. To
install the SDR product files, you must be SUPER.SUPER, as described below in
Install Product Files.
In anticipation of the SDR installation, the operators should be made aware of the RDF
events that will no longer require their intervention. See paragraph Changes to RDF
Operations below for a description of these changes.
Initial Installation
To insure that the backup system is ready for replication, first install SDR on the
backup system.
For each system where SDR is to be installed, have your SDR licensing instructions
available. Proceed as follows:
1. Move Files from the Product Media to the Installation Subvolume
2. Install Product Files
3. Start an EMS distributor.
4. Create the SDR System Database