Owner's manual

HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-015
Start the Monitor Process
tables are created. See Appendix A, Operations and Management, for details on the
additional MapDB tables.
As with the SysDB tables, the MapDB table must be registered in a SQL catalog. By
default, these tables are registered in the same SQL catalog where the SysDB tables
are registered.
Start the Monitor Process
Creating a MapDB automatically starts the AutoSYNC monitor process. The monitor
process is a fault tolerant process-pair, so it should not need to be restarted unless the
system is cold loaded. The standard monitor process name is $ZASY. If, for any
reason, the monitor process is not executing, start it with the following command:
Many of the monitor process parameters may also be specified on this command;
consult the section START MONITOR on page 8-85 for details.
For example:
AutoSYNC 4? create mapdb;
--- AutoSYNC MapDB table $DATA.ASYMAPDB.SYNCUSER created.
--- Map Database for AutoSYNC created.
--- System Database updated
--- Changes will take effect when the Monitor is restarted.
--- Starting AutoSYNC Monitor $ZASY.
Monitor 1.5.4 - 31JAN2002 -- $ZASY (2,327), started 9/21/00 17:19:05
Backup process $ZASY(1,295), no takeovers
Monitor hometerm: $0
Note. The user id used to create the MapDB and start the monitor process may determine
which users are authorized to configure synchronizations; refer to Section 4, Scheduled
Synchronization for details on this matter.
103> autosync
HP Nonstop(tm) AutoSYNC(tm) Command Interpreter(T2713V01) - System \SYS
Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2000-2003
Copyright Carr Scott Software Incorporated 1996-2004
* Error * The monitor process $ZASY is not executing.
* 652 * To start a monitor, issue the START MONITOR command.
AutoSYNC 1? start monitor;
--- Starting Monitor process $ZASY
Monitor 1.6.1 - 14SEP2004 -- $ZASY (4,358), started 6/10/04 15:48:21
Backup process $ZASY (3,366), no takeovers
Monitor hometerm: $0