Owner's manual

OSS File Synchronization
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-015
Displaying OSS files and directories
When a symbolic link is synchronized, the content of the link, which is the name of the
linked object, is changed in the destination file set as follows:
If the symbolic link points outside the synchronization file set, the content of the
symbolic link is not changed
If the symbolic link points inside the synchronization file set and the linked name is
an absolute pathname, then the source file set name portion of the linked name is
replaced with the destination file set portion. The linked name is not changed when
it is not an absolute name.
Ownership of Symbolic Links
By default, the ownership of a symbolic link cannot be changed. See Changing Default
Ownership of Symbolic Links on page 5-6 for details.
Modification Timestamp of Symbolic Links
The modification timestamp is set differently for symbolic links:
1. The modification timestamp of a symbolic link is its creation timestamp.
2. The modification timestamp does not change when the file it points to changes.
This means that the source and destination timestamps of a symbolic link never match,
causing AutoSYNC to use different criteria to determine if a symbolic link requires
synchronization. A symbolic link is synchronized only under the following conditions:
If the symbolic link does not exist on the destination system.
If the destination modification timestamp is older than the source modification
If the linked file, the file the link points to, is different in the destination (source link
points to file B but destination link points to file A).
Another side effect of the source and destination timestamps inherent mismatch is that
the TIMEEXACT option is ignored for symbolic links.
Displaying OSS files and directories
For convenience, the AUTOSYNC command LS can be used to display information
and statistics on OSS files, directories, and directory trees. The AUTOSYNC command
LS is equivalent to the OSS shell command ls and has several options. For example:
AutoSYNC 9? ls -l /home/guser/sally;
drwxr-xr-x 1 GUSER.SALLY GUSER 4096 7Mar06 14:27 emptydir
drwxrwxrwx 1 GUSER.SALLY GUSER 4096 7Mar06 16:12 safekeep
drwxr-xr-x 1 GUSER.SALLY GUSER 4096 22Mar06 10:46 sourcedir
drwxr-xr-x 1 GUSER.SALLY GUSER 4096 24Sep06 12:20 triggdir