
Silo Media Manager Installation and Users Guide
Hardware and Software Installation for the Server
To run on an alternate system, the program has to be configured for the alternate
system. Do this by typing CONFIG_ALTSYS# at the prompt. If the system number
is less than 6 digits, it will be padded with zeros in the front. This alternate system
may be used for up to 15 days.
A silo device is configured or re-configured by typing CONFIG_DEVICE at the
prompt. A new prompt will be received asking that the device name be entered.
Enter the device name that is to be configured. At the prompt enter the device host
node. After the device host node is entered, the new configuration will be displayed
for review. The prompt will ask for confirmation about the new configuration. Type
Y if the new configuration is correct.
When the main menu prompt returns, type CONFIG_DRIVE to configure or re-
configure a drive. Once CONFIG_DRIVE is typed, the prompt will ask which drive
to configure. Choose the drive to be configured. The user will be asked to enter a
new name for the drive and a new node. The new configuration will be shown and
confirmation will be requested. Type Y, if the new configuration is correct. The
system will save the new configuration and then ask if the continued configuration of
drives is wanted. To continue configuring drives, type Y and repeat the process. If
drive configuration is finished, type N, and the main menu prompt will return.
Delete drives by typing DEL_DRIVE at the prompt. The prompt then asks which
drive to delete. Enter the drive to be deleted (0-9). When asked for confirmation
about the drive to be deleted, type Y if the correct drive has been chosen. The next
prompt will ask about continuation of deleting drives or exiting. The main menu
prompt will return if the choice to exit is made.
Note: To reconfigure a drive after it has been deleted, type the CONFIG_DRIVE
option from the main menu.
To add or change the TCPIP port number, type CONFIG_PORT# at the main menu
prompt. Enter the new port number when the prompt requests for it. Next the new
configuration will be shown, and confirmation will be requested. Type Y or N.
Type ALTER_PASSWORD to change the password. Follow the prompts to change
the password.