User guide

Other Rail Voltage
The voltage of the Other Rail, which connects the PMF2/IOMF2
CRU to the other power supply in the enclosure (to provide power in
the event of a problem with the Main Rail power supply).
Other Rail Voltage After Fuse
The current voltage on the Other Rail of the PMF2 CRU, measured
after the fuse.
Storage ASIC
Initialization State
The status of the storage ASIC in the CRU.
Values: Initialized, Uninitialized, Unknown
Disable ServerNet Port
Disables the specified ServerNet port on this CRU. Perform this action only as directed by OSM
alarm repair actions.
Parameter: Port Number
Enable ServerNet Port
Enables the specified ServerNet port on this CRU. Perform this action only as directed by OSM
alarm repair actions.
Parameter: Port Number
Force Power Off
This action is not supported for this CRU type. See the Prepare to Power Off action.
Power Off
This action is not supported for this CRU type. See the Prepare to Power Off action.
Prepare to Power Off
Performs a precautionary check to make sure you can safely remove the CRU. This check makes
The other PMF2 CRU in this enclosure exists and is powered on
The status of the power supply for the other PMF2 CRU in this enclosure is OK
The other PMF2 CRU in this enclosure has ServerNet connectivity
The processor in the other PMF2 CRU in this enclosure has connectivity to CPU 0 or CPU 1
If the check confirms that it is safe to power off, these preparatory steps are performed: