User guide

operating system image. The letters nn represent an octal number in the range %00
through %77. There might be several SYSnn subvolumes, only one of which contains the
current OSIMAGE.
All the processors, controllers, firmware, peripheral devices, software, and related
components that are directly connected together to form an entity that is managed by one
HP NonStop Kernel operating system image and operated as one computer.
See also server and node.
system configuration database
The database file on the $SYSTEM.ZSYSCONF subvolume that contains configuration
information for objects in the subsystems that are configured by SCF, including the
Kernel subsystem, the storage subsystem, the ServerNetLan System Area (SLSA)
subsystem, and the Wide Area Network (WAN) subsystem.
system console
A PC-compatible workstation on which the OSM client software is running.
system error
A condition encountered by the server while performing a command or other operation
that causes the command or operation to fail.
system load
To start the system which loads the NonStop operating system image, typically from the
OSIMAGE file in the SYSnn subvolume of a specified disk volume into the memory of a
halted processor. All processors must be halted before you can perform a system load. To
load the system, use the OSM Low-Level Link.
system serial number
A unique number assigned to a NonStop server when it is built. OSM uses the system
serial number for connections between the workstation and the server. The system serial
number, typically five or six alphanumeric characters, can be used for ordering and
tracking purposes.
Tetra 8 topology
A tetrahedral topology of NonStop S-series servers that allows a maximum of four
processor enclosures (eight processors) and eight I/O enclosures. Contrast with Tetra 16
Tetra 16 topology