User guide

From the browser's Edit menu, select Find [on This Page]....3.
Type a resource name or an attribute value associated with the resource you want to find.4.
Click Find Next. If a resource with a matching value is found, the matching text is selected in
the Inventory view.
Click the matching text to select the resource. Information about the resource appears in the
details pane.
If no resources contain the specified value, a message informs you that the search text was not found.
To search for the next occurrence of the specified value, click Find Next.
To search for a specific disk drive, enter all or part of its name, such as $DATA2, in the find text box.
To search for a particular type of disk drive, enter its part number, such as 425752, in the find
text box.
To search for any MSEB, enter MSEB in the find text box.
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Chapter 4. Starting the OSM Service
Chapter 6. Viewing Alarms