Owner manual

LED State
Indicates whether or not the fans amber LED is lit. This state is determined by the Set
LED State action.
Value: On or Off
Device State
The state of the component as known to the NonStop Kernel operating system on the
server. Values
Set LED State
Turns on or off the amber LED located on the fan. The current state is indicated by the LED State
IOAM Group
A logical entity that represents a physical I/O Adapter Module enclosure.
IOAM Group
Service State
Displayed in the Attributes tab and Attributes dialog box only if attention or service is
required. Values
Causes OSM to refresh and reanalyze the IOAM Group and all subcomponents. Refresh refers to
OSM updating the attribute values displayed in the OSM Service Connection interface. Reanalyze
refers to the running of OSM incident analysis, which checks EMS event messages and creates
alarms in OSM if certain conditions exist.