Owner manual

Causes OSM to refresh and reanalyze the object. Refresh refers to OSM updating the attribute values
displayed in the OSM Service Connection interface. Reanalyze refers to the running of OSM incident
analysis, which checks EMS event messages and creates alarms in OSM if certain conditions exist.
Stop Monitoring
Stops OSM from monitoring the maintenance switch.
MIOE (Ethernet Controller)
A component of PMF and PMF2 CRUs located in Group 1 only. Provides connectivity between the
service processor and the dedicated service LAN (for OSM). Each MIOE represents a single Ethernet
port, known as a Physical Interface (PIF) object. Each PIF is associated with a service processor (SP)
in Group 1.
Location in OSM Tree: System > Group > Module > PMF2 > MIOE
Slot Location: Located on PMF CRUs in slots 50 and 55 of processor enclosures in Group 1
Service State
Displayed in the Attributes tab and Attributes dialog box only if attention or service is
required. Values
Configured Type
The configuration type of this resource.
Values: CCSA, E4SA, FESA, G4SA, GESA, TRSA, Unknown
Device State
The state of the component as known to the NonStop Kernel operating system on
the server. Values
Terminates operation of the MIOE. When the Abort action finishes, it is in the Stopped state.
Starts the MIOE. It must be in the Stopped state before you perform this action. When the Start