Owner manual

See also event message and incident report
appearance side
The side of a system group enclosure that has a door and contains disk CRUs and PMCU
FRUs. The appearance side is the side opposite the service side.
A mode of serial-data transmission in which characters are sent at random and the
transmission is not synchronized with a separate clock signal. That is, there is no timing
relationship between the end of one character and the start of the next. The data contains
extra bits: a start bit to signal the beginning of a byte and one or more stop bits to signal
the end of the byte. These start and stop bits allow the receiver to determine the correct
synchronization. Contrast with synchronous.
ATM 3 ServerNet adapter (ATM3SA)
A ServerNet adapter that provides access to Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
networks from an HP NonStop" S-series server. The 3860 ATM3SA supports the ATM
User-Network Interface (UNI) specification over a 155-megabit/second (Mbps) OC-3
Sonet (Synchronous Optical Network) connection.
A file that contains information supplementing the information in an incident report.
A data item associated with a resource.
You can view all attributes in the Attributes dialog box, and you can modify certain
authorization key
A password required to log on to a modem. If you plan to allow dial-outs to a service
provider, you must specify the authorization key of the service providers modem during
OSM configuration.
A board that has connectors, on one or both sides of the board, into which circuit board
assemblies plug. Backplanes are typically located behind card cages.
backup processor
A processor in the NonStop Kernel operating system that communicates with the primary
processor, allowing the processors to remain independent. A component failure in one
processor has no effect on any other processor.