Owner manual

A customer-replaceable unit (CRU) that connects peripheral devices to the system
through a ServerNet bus interface.
ServerNet addressable controller (SAC)
A controller that is uniquely addressable within one or more ServerNet address domains
(SADs) through the node ID and address fields in a request packet. A SAC is typically
implemented on some portion of a processor multifunction (PMF) customer-replaceable
unit (CRU), an I/O multifunction (IOMF) CRU, or a ServerNet adapter.
ServerNet cluster
A network of servers connected using the ServerNet protocol and sharing a common
transport for interprocessor communication across and within a cluster. It offers fast
end-to-end communication without intermediate protocol stacks, achieving comparable
speeds for internal and external ServerNet communication.
See also cluster.
ServerNet II switch
A 12-port network switch that provides the physical junction point to enable an NonStop
S-series server to connect to a ServerNet cluster. The ServerNet II switch is a component
of the HP NonStop Cluster Switch (model 6770).
ServerNet expansion board (SEB)
A connector board that plugs into the backplane to allow one or more ServerNet cables to
exit the rear of the enclosure. The ServerNet expansion boards (SEBs) and cables allow
processors in one group to communicate with processors in another group. Each SEB
provides either the ServerNet X fabric or the ServerNet Y fabric for a group. SEBs are
customer-replaceable units (CRUs).
ServerNet router
An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) responsible for providing
interconnection of ServerNet links in a ServerNet system area network (ServerNet SAN).
A ServerNet router is never an end device.
ServerNet system area network (ServerNet SAN)
A low-cost, high-speed network, contained within a system, that connects processors to
each other and to ServerNet addressable controllers (SACs).
See also local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN).
ServerNet wide area network (SWAN) concentrator
(1) An HP data communications peripheral that provides connectivity to an HP NonStop"
S-series server. The SWAN concentrator supports both synchronous and asynchronous
data over RS-232, RS-449, X.21, and V.35 electrical and physical interfaces. (2) A
collective term for both SWAN concentrators and SWAN 2 concentrators when a