Owner manual

A topology of NonStop S-series servers in which the ServerNet connections between the
layers of a cluster switch group form a tetrahedron
See also tetrahedron, tetrahedral topology, and cluster switch layer.
One of several representations of the server or ServerNet cluster that appear in the view
pane of the Management window.
See also Inventory view and Physical view.
view pane
Located on the upper right of the Management window, a pane that displays the Physical
or Inventory view of a server or ServerNet cluster.
See also details pane and tree pane.
A logical disk drive, which can be one or two physical disk drives. In NonStop S-series
servers, volumes have names that begin with a dollar sign ($), such as $DATA.
See also mirrored disk or volume.
warning message
A message indicating a condition that is encountered while performing a command or
other operation and that can be significant but does not cause the command or operation
to fail. A warning message is less serious than an error.
See also error message.
wide area network (WAN)
A low-bandwidth network that connects computer systems that are geographically remote
from each other (across cities, states, or even countries).
See also local area network (LAN) and ServerNet system area network (ServerNet SAN).
See system console.
X fabric
The X side of the internal or external ServerNet fabrics.