Owner manual

Chapter 6. Viewing Alarms
Chapter 6. Viewing Alarms
Viewing the Alarms Tab
Viewing Alarms for a Selected Resource
Viewing Alarm Details
Suppressing Alarms
Alarms can be viewed in these ways:
On the Alarms tab of the Details pane: see Viewing the Alarms Tab.
All alarms associated with a specific resource: see Viewing Alarms for a Selected
A summary of alarms for the entire server or ServerNet cluster: see Viewing a Summary
of Alarms.
Detailed information about a particular alarm: see Viewing Alarm Details.
Viewing the Alarms Tab
The details pane displays attribute and alarm information about a selected resource, depending
on which tab you select. If there are any alarms for a selected resource, a bell icon appears on
the Alarms tab.
The Alarms dialog box provides this information about the selected alarm:
Alarm severity
The Severity column contains a colored icon corresponding to the severity of the alarm.
Red icons represent Critical and Major alarms. Yellow icons represent Minor, Warning,
and Indeterminate alarms. See Alarm Severity.
Time and date the alarm occurred
Description of the alarm, including the probable cause
Whether the alarm is dialed out to your service provider (assuming your system console
is configured to dial out).