User guide

Interface Procedures
Host Language Interface
6–16 058058 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Figure 6-6. An ENFORM Query for Host Language Interface
OPEN customer, !Given a customer name and an
order, !order date, return one record
odetail, !for each part ordered
order-process; !containing the order number
LINK customer TO order VIA custnum; !and the part number.
LINK odetail TO order VIA ordernum;
PARAM passed-custname INTERNAL A18;
PARAM passed-orderdate INTERNAL A6;
FIND order-process
WHERE custname = passed-custname AND
orderdate = passed-orderdate;
The source query, which resides in the Edit file, tfind, is compiled and placed in the
physical file qryobj when the following is entered:
?COMPILE tfind TO qryobj