User guide

!!! Error and *** Warning Type Messages
Error Messages
B–6 058058 Tandem Computers Incorporated
!!! ERROR [43] The specified relation is invalid in the above context
CONTAINS, BEGINS WITH, and pattern match conditions require string arguments.
The pattern match operation allows only EQ and NE operators.
!!! ERROR [44] Too many actual file assignments
Table of assignments exceeds eight entries. Clear the table by entering ?ASSIGN
without a physical file name.
!!! ERROR [45] An integer literal is required in the above context
A number with decimal places is not allowed. Must be an integer.
!!! ERROR [46] Too many LINKs
Number of links exceeds 32. Clear some with a DELINK statement.
*** WARNING [47] Source line was truncated
Line must be 255 characters or less.
!!! ERROR [48] Only field names may appear in a qualification
The item name in the WHERE or SUPPRESS clause has not been defined or is
misspelled. This is usually due to an internal error.
!!! ERROR [49] User variable assignments are illegal in the scope of a FIND
User defined variable or table is not an acceptable output field name in a FIND