
HP NonStop Time Synchronization User’s Guide Page 53 of 81
is any text that does not begin with R, I, or D (or r, i, or d). Characters in <replacement-
text> replace characters immediately above them on a one-for-one basis. For example, a
D in <replacement-text> replaces the character displayed above it instead of deleting it.
is any text that does not begin with R, I, or D (or r, i, or d). Characters in <insertion-text>
are inserted into the prior command immediately in front of the character displayed by
the I or i.
is a separator, allowing multiple subcommands on a given line. A subcommand can
immediately follow one or more uppercase or lowercase D’s without being preceded by //.
> add TimeSources
> fc
> add TimeSources
. dddiremove
> remove TimeSources
6.4 INFO Command
The INFO command will retrieve information about TimeSync configuration settings from
a system running TimeSync. The command can be issued as a command-line parameter
or can be entered interactively at a TimeCom prompt.
<system> - is the IP address or DNS name and optional port number of the server from
which information is to be retrieved. For example, system, system, system, or system If <system> is
not supplied, the local system will be used.
BRIEF - shows a partial list of the configuration information.
INFO [SYSTEM <system>] [BRIEF]