
HP NonStop Time Synchronization User’s Guide Page 55 of 81
RunAsService : True
LogEnabled : False
LogFileName : C:\Program Files\HP\TimeSync\timesynclog.txt
LogLevel : 3
LogClearOnOpen : False
LogDeleteOnClose : False
LogHTMLFormat : False
LogSuppress : True
TraceEnabled : False
TraceFileName : C:\Program Files\HP\TimeSync\timesynctrace.txt
TraceHTMLFormat : False
TraceMask : 0x00000003
TraceRecordLimit : 1000
TraceWrap : False
6.5 REMOVE Command
The REMOVE command removes one or more TimeSources from the TimeSync
configuration. The command can be issued as a command-line parameter or can be
entered interactively at a TimeCom prompt. The REMOVE command can only be issued
against the local TimeSync server.
<ip address> - the ip address of the time source to be removed.
<host name> - the DNS host name of the time source to be removed.
<remote port number> - the port number for the time source to be removed
REMOVE TimeSources {<IP address> | <host name>}[:<remote port number>], …