Owner manual

suffix to show which drive is the primary (-P) and which is the mirror (-M).
See also volume.
modular ServerNet expansion board (MSEB)
A ServerNet expansion board (SEB) that uses plug-in cards (PICs) to provide a choice of
connection media for routing ServerNet packets.
modular cabinet
A cabinet with an integrated standard 19-inch rack equipped with a power distribution
unit (PDU), doors, slides, brackets, castors, leveling pads, and optional side panels.
Part of the group, module, slot naming convention for uniquely identifying the logical
location of a component within a system. A module is a subset of a group, and it is
usually contained in an enclosure. A module contains one or more slots. A module can
consist of components sharing common interconnect, such as a backplane, or it can be a
logical grouping of components performing a particular function.
MSEB port
A connector on modular ServerNet expansion boards (MSEBs) used for ServerNet links.
An MSEB has four fixed serial-copper ports and six plug-in card (PIC) slots that accept a
variety of connection media. See also SEB port.
multifunction I/O board (MFIOB)
A ServerNet adapter that contains ServerNet addressable controllers (SACs) for SCSI
and Ethernet; a service processor; a router with ServerNet links to the processor, to the
two ServerNet adapter slots, and to one of the ServerNet expansion board (SEB) slots;
and connections to the serial maintenance bus (SMB), which connects components within
the enclosure to the service processor. The MFIOB is integrated into the I/O
multifunction (IOMF2) CRU.
multilane link
A communication link between HP NonStop Cluster Switches that can consist of multiple
ServerNet cables. Two-lane links and four-lane links are examples of multilane links.
multimode fiber-optic (MMF) ServerNet cable
A fiber-optic cable that either allows more than one mode to propagate or supports
propagation of more than one mode of a given wavelength. MMF ServerNet cable
typically supports shorter transmission distances than single-mode fiber-optic (SMF)
ServerNet cable.