Owner manual

A tetrahedral topology of NonStop S-series servers that allows a maximum of eight
processor enclosures (16 processors). The maximum number of I/O enclosures allowed
by the Tetra 16 topology varies depending on the release version update (RVU) and the
server model. Contrast with Tetra 8 topology.
A solid bounded by four triangular faces. In ServerNet context, a tetrahedron is four
processors interconnected by ServerNet links so as to form a conceptual tetrahedron.
Each processor therefore has a direct connection to the other three processors. See
tetrahedral topology.
tetrahedral topology
A topology of NonStop S-series servers in which the ServerNet connections between the
processor enclosures form a tetrahedron.
Token-Ring ServerNet adapter (TRSA)
A ServerNet adapter that provides a single line from a NonStop S-series server to a
token-ring network, allowing the server to act as a station on the ring. The 3862 TRSA
can be configured to support network speeds of 4 megabits/second (Mbps) or 16 Mbps,
and the media can be either shielded twisted pair (STP) or unshielded twisted pair (UTP).
The physical layout of components that define a local area network ( LAN). a system area
network ( SAN), or a wide are network ( WAN).
See also layered topology and star topology.
topology branch
A processor enclosure and the I/O enclosures directly connected to it.
track ID
A unique number assigned to customer-replaceable unit (CRU) and field-replaceable
units (FRUs). The track ID is located on a label on the outside of the component, usually
following the assembly number of the component.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A connection-oriented protocol that provides for the reliable exchange of data between a
sending and a receiving system, no matter how many intermediate nodes the data
traverses. TCP, in conjunction with the internet protocol (IP), is used to facilitate OSM
communications over an Ethernet local area network ( LAN).
tree pane
Located on the left side of the Management window, a pane that displays resources in a
hierarchy. The tree pane contains a drop down menu with two options: System view and