User guide

Enable/Disable Automatic Data Collection
Use to enable or disable automatic collection of data for failed system resources. The current state for
the system is indicated by the Automatic Data Collection State attribute. If enabled, when a hardware
failure occurs, data is saved to the location specified by the Set Data Collection Volume action. The
Set Days to Persist for Diagnostic Data action determines how long the files are retained on the
system before being deleted.
Extend Problem Incident Report Suppression Time
Extends the duration of suppression by a specified amount of time (in minutes). This action fails if
the suppression was not enabled at that time.
Rediscover System
Causes OSM to refresh and reanalyze all components within the system.
Rediscover System and ServerNet Cluster
Causes OSM to refresh and reanalyze all components within the system and the ServerNet cluster.
Set Data Collection Volume
Used to specify a volume in which automatic or manual data collection will take place. The volume
should be something other than $SYSTEM to avoid the possibility of filling that volume with
collected data.
The Diagnostic Data Collection Volume attribute displays the currently specified volume. How long
the files are retained in this volume before being automatically deleted is determined by the Set Days
to Persist for Diagnostic Data action. This value is displayed by theDays to Persist Collected
Diagnostic Data attribute.
Set Days to Persist for Diagnostic Data
Determines how many days the collected hardware failure data is retained on the system before being
deleted. Any PAK or LOG file older than this value is deleted the next time automatic or manual data
collection is initiated.
Suppress Problem Incident Report Creation
This action, which can be initiated by a user or guided procedure, suppresses the creation of Problem
Incident Reports for the default time of 40 minutes. The default value can be changed in the
OSMCONF file or extended for an action currently in progress by using the Extend Problem Incident
Report Suppression Time action. Performing this action while the system is already in the suppressed
state resets the duration of the current suppression to the default time.
Unsuppress Problem Incident Report Creation