User guide

Managing One of the Star Topologies With
Differences Between OSM and TSM
OSM supports all topologies of a ServerNet cluster: the star topologies (star, split-star, and
tri-star) and the newer layered topology.
Differences Between OSM and TSM
If you use OSM to manage a cluster with one of the star topologies, see the next paragraphs for
differences between OSM and TSM.
Some Cluster Resources Are Represented Differently in OSM
The OSM representation of the 6770 cluster switch used in the star topologies is more complete
than the TSM representation. In particular, the ServerNet II Switch, the AC Transfer Switch,
and the UPS are now viewable as separate resources. To view these resources, expand the
Switch Module resource.
The OSM names for some cluster resources are different from the TSM names:
TSM Name OSM Name
Switch-to-Node Link Switch PIC * (PICs 0 through 7 connect to the nodes)
Switch-to-Switch Link Switch PIC * (PICs 8 through 11 connect to other switches)
Local Node ServerNet Local Node
Remote Node ServerNet Remote Node
Note: The full name for a Switch PIC is in the form: Switch PIC $ZZSMN.X.1.2. The last digit
in the name is the PIC number. In this example, the last digit is 2, which indicates a connection
to a node.
Guided Procedures Are Replaced By or Launched By OSM Actions
TSM Guided Procedure OSM Changes
Add Switch
Procedure has been replaced by the Update Topology action of the
ServerNet Cluster resource.
Replace Switch
Procedure has been enhanced to support switch types for all
topologies. For the star topologies, the procedure is launched by
the Replace action of the ServerNet II Switch.
Update Switch
Procedure has been replaced by separate Firmware Update and
Configuration Update actions of the ServerNet II Switch.