Owner's manual

External Disk
An external disk drive that connects to a system through the ServerNet/DA CRU. The External Disk CRU is housed
in an 8-slot disk enclosure that is physically connected to a Fiber SAC (ServerNet addressable controller) mounted
on the ServerNet/DA CRU.
External disks are visible in the tree pane and in the Inventory view of the Management window. In the tree pane,
expand the External Disk Collection to see the individual external disk drives. In the Inventory view, each external disk
drive is listed on a separate line. External disk drives are not visible in the Physical view.
Location in OSM Tree: System > External Disk Collection > External Disk
Slot Location: External to enclosures
Example: External Disk $MARS2-P
External Disk
Displayed in the Attributes tab and Attributes dialog box only if the value is something
other than OK. Values
Service State
The part number of the component that was assigned in manufacturing. Use part
numbers for identifying and ordering parts.
Part Number
A unique serial number that identifies the component.Track IDs are used for tracking
Track ID
A code that identifies the generation of the component. Hardware revision codes are
used for tracking components.
Hardware Revision
The logical device number used by the operating system to identify the disk.
Example: 7
Logical Device Number
The current state of the backup disk path. ValuesBackup Path State
The total size (in kilobytes) of disk storage space.Media Size
The current state of the primary disk path. ValuesPrimary Path State
A unique number that identifies the product.Product ID
The path that is currently accessing the disk.
Values: Primary, Backup
Active Path
Process Pair
The 2 processors in which this I/O process is configured to run.
Example: 0,1
Configured Processors
The state of the primary I/O process.
Values: Running, Stopped
Primary Execution State
The process ID of the primary I/O process. If the state of the primary I/O process is
Stopped, this ID is not displayed.
Example: 1,296
Primary Process ID
The state of the backup I/O process.
Values: Running, Stopped
Backup Execution State
The process ID of the backup I/O process. If the state of the backup I/O process is
Stopped, this ID is not displayed.
Example: 1,285
Backup Process ID
Disk Pair
The name of the disk paired with this one.
Example: External Disk $KLAM2M
Disk Pair Name
116 System Resources