Owner's manual

A replaceable component of MSEB or IOMF2 CRUs that provides connectivity to internal* ServerNet fabrics.
* In port 6 of the MSEBs located in slot 51 and 52 of group 01 only, NNA-type ServerNet PICs can be used to provide
connectivity to external ServerNet fabrics.
Location in OSM Tree: System > Group > Module > IOMF2 > PIC
Example: PIC (
Displayed in the Attributes tab and Attributes dialog box only if the value is something
other than OK. Values
Service State
Indication of the type of plug-in card.
Values: NNA, Serial Copper, ECL, Long-Haul Fiber, Short-Haul Fiber
A unique number used to distinguish between plug-in cards on an MSEB CRU.Connector Number
Clear Loopback Test
Clears the loopback test on a plug-in card (PIC).This action clears both the internal loopback test initiated by the
Internal Loopback Test action and the external loopback initiated by the guided procedure for troubleshooting a
ServerNet fabric. The action enables ServerNet ports so that packets can be routed to the PIC from adjacent ports
on the MSEB or IOMF2 and from the PIC in another enclosure connected by the ServerNet cable to the PIC being
tested. Use this action if the $ZCMOM process terminates while a loopback test is being performed. This action is
safe to use on any PIC even if you are not sure a loopback test needs to be cleared on the PIC.
Enable/Disable Port
Enables or disables the port for this CRU.
Parameter: Enabled (true = enabled, false = disabled)
NOTE: If the port being enabled or disabled is on an NNA-type (MSEB) PIC connected to an External Servernet
Switch, you must issue a Reset on the Primary SP in Group 1.
External Loopback Test
The external loopback test checks the circuitry of a plug-in card (PIC) to determine if ServerNet traffic can pass through
the PIC.You can use this test on a PIC installed in any port of an MSEB or IOMF2 CRU. This test requires you to
remove the ServerNet cable attached to the PIC and install a loopback plug.
The external loopback test indicates whether or not the PIC circuitry is operational or faulty. Unlike the internal loopback
test, the external loopback test also checks the connector on the PIC.
CAUTION: Do not use the external loopback test on a PIC that you believe is operating normally. Doing so shuts
down ServerNet traffic through the PIC for the duration of the test (several minutes). The action isolates the MSEB
port occupied by the PIC, preventing the port from sending or receiving ServerNet traffic. ServerNet traffic resumes
when the test is finished.
Do not use the external loopback test if alarms are present on the peer fabric (the fabric opposite the PIC you intend
to test). If you do so, you might lose access to both fabrics, thereby isolating the enclosure from the rest of the system.
Multiple enclosures can be lost in this manner.
When to Use the External Loopback Test
Typically, you use the external loopback test to isolate the cause of a malfunctioning ServerNet link where a PIC is
part of that path. Use this test if you have run the internal loopback test on a PIC, and the test passed, but you believe
the PIC might still be bad. If both PICs of a ServerNet link pass the external test, but the link is not usable, probably
the ServerNet cable is faulty.
162 System Resources