Owner's manual

Provides the LSU or Blade Element with power-on reset sequencing, configuration loading prior
to complete system startup, a watchdog timer, and monitoring of the health of the FPGAs.
logic device
connection A logical link established between the OSM client software on the system console and the OSM
server software on a NonStop server after a logon sequence has been performed. There are
two types of connections: service connection and low-level link. The OSM Service Connection
connects to the server using a service connection. The OSM Low-Level Link connects to the
server using a low-level link.
connector A receptacle to which a cable can be attached. Also called a port.
critical message A message indicating that the application has encountered an error that must be corrected
before you can proceed.
unit (CRU)
A server component that can be removed and installed by customers with minimal training.
CRUs are considered to be a subset of field-replaceable units (FRUs).
darksite A location where no operator is working on site and the only access to the LAN is from a
centralized monitoring station through a modem connected to a routing workstation. Darksite
is a synonym for unattended site.
details pane Located in the lower portion of the Management window, the details pane contains specific
information about the resource selected in the tree pane. Click the corresponding tab in the
details pane to select the type of information you want.
See also view pane and tree pane
dial-in See remote access.
dial-out See remote access.
dial-out point An OSM workstation from which incident reports are sent to a remote service provider. Incident
reports are sent from the OSM workstations defined as the primary and backup dial-out points
(the primary and backup system consoles.
NOTE: Remote access and remote notification are not available in countries where the modem
provided by HP is not certified. In these countries, you cannot use the OSM software to dial out
to or accept dial-in communications from a service provider.
discovery The process by which the OSM Service Connection determines the supported resources that
exist on a NonStop server, including customer-replaceable units (CRUs), field-replaceable
units (FRUs), and their subcomponents; I/O process names; and device states. I/O process
names (or logical names) are available only to the OSM Service Connection.
See also initial discovery.
disk drive A device that stores data on a disk and provides random access to addressable locations on
the disk. There are two types of disk drives:
On magnetic drives, access is provided by magnetic read/write heads.
On optical drives, access is provided by a low-intensity laser beam.
disk volume A logical disk drive. A volume can be one or two physical drives. In NonStop servers, volumes
have names that begin with a dollar sign ($), such as $DATA.
domain A set of objects on the server over which control or ownership is maintained.
download To transfer software from one location to another, where the transferring entity initiates the
dump To copy the contents of a processor's memory onto disk or magnetic tape for later analysis, as
in a tape dump.
Information that represents the set of supported resources that actually exist in the current
configuration of the server. Dynamic information is gathered from a server through the process
of discovery.