Command Reference Guide

Object DS Commands
SQL/MX Connectivity Service Administrative Command Reference526350-005
Considerations—STOP DS
terminates the server but not until the remote client terminates the connection.
The client connected to a server is not notified that a termination is requested
and continues working until it disconnects normally. It could take hours or days
for the client to disconnect normally. This is the default mode.
is a nonempty SQL string literal of up to 70 characters, which indicates why the DS
is being shut down. It is written to the EMS log by the service if the command is
accepted. Strings of 70 or more characters are truncated with a warning. Single
quoting is required.
Considerations—STOP DS
STOP DS is a sensitive command.
The asterisk (*) wild card is valid for $service-name or ds-name but not both in
the same command.
Check on the progress of the STOP DS command by using the INFO DS
Issuing STOP DS inhibits new client access to the target DS.
If target DS is already stopped or stopping, STOP DS returns a success message.
Target DS must be stopped in all services before deleting it using DELETE DS.
Examples—STOP DS
This example stops the DS TDM_Default_DataSource being used by the
service $AS and also stops all servers started by the service $AS that are using
this DS:
CS>stop ds $AS."TDM_Default_DataSource", REASON 'text, text';
-- STOP DS \ODBC.$AS.TDM_Default_DataSource Successful
this example stops all DSs used by the service $AS along with all MXCS servers:
CS>stop ds $AS.*, after now, reason 'Shutdown for the day';
-- STOP DS \ODBC.$AS.* Begun
-- STOP DS \ODBC.$AS.TDM_Default_DataSource Successful
-- STOP DS \ODBC.$AS.Test2 Successful
-- Cmd Processed 2 objects, 0 failed.