Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guideβ€”520330-001
OEM Request API (Client Application to OEM)
CallbackType (input)
specifies whether this is a special type of menu item and callback, as follows:
causes the client to receive an automatic callback when a user double-clicks an
item in the framework where the object class name matches EntityName (for
example, EntityName is Disk, and the user double-clicks Disk in the
framework). This allows default actions to be associated with double-click
events, rather than requiring a user to always bring up the complete popup
causes the client to receive an automatic callback when a user clicks an item in
the framework where the object class name matches EntityName (for
example, EntityName is Disk, and the user clicks Disk in the framework).
This allows default actions to be associated with click events, rather than
requiring a user to always bring up the complete popup menu.
causes the client to receive an automatic callback when a user expands a branch
of the object hierarchy where the object class name matches EntityName (for
example, EntityName is Disk, and the user expands the Disk branch of the
hierarchy in the framework). This makes it easy for clients to dynamically
populate frameworks on a demand basis as the user navigates to lower levels of
the hierarchy.
causes the client to receive an automatic callback when a user collapses a branch
of the object hierarchy where the object class name matches EntityName (for
example, EntityName is Disk, and the user collapses the Disk branch of the
hierarchy in the framework). This makes it easy for clients to dynamically
depopulate or clean up frameworks on a demand basis as the user ascends the
Set this parameter to β€œβ€ to disable any special handling for this menu item. Not all
frameworks support this feature.
ClientName (input)
is a client-defined name used to identify the owner of the popup. For most clients
this can simply be the application name. However, more complex clients might need
to use more than one ClientName and CallbackObject to localize processing
for different types of commands (for example, one ClientName and
CallbackObject for DISK commands and another for CPU commands).