Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
OEM Request API (Client Application to OEM)
Return Value
0 if the request was queued successfully
An OEM error number if an error occurred
For a client application to receive Max Alert callback commands, it must add a popup
entry with the caption Max Alert. When the user selects Max Alert from the popup
menu, the OEM Gateway determines which client is reporting the highest alert level for
the selected object and callback to that client using the specified CallbackObject.
For a client application to enable Alert callbacks, it must add a popup entry with the
caption Alerts. When the user selects Alerts from the popup menu, the OEM Gateway
displays a list of all clients reporting an alert for the selected object. The user can then
choose which one is of interest, and the OEM Gateway calls back to the appropriate
client using the specified CallbackObject.
If the given MenuCaption already exists for this EntityName, the user can choose
the desired client whenever that menu item is selected. For example, assume both
NsxGem and OMF GUI add a menu item with caption Status to the CPU entity. If a user
subsequently chooses Status from a popup menu in the framework, the OEM Gateway
displays a dialog listing both clients. The user can then navigate to the appropriate
Dim OEM As New OEMClass
Dim MyCallbackObject As New MyCallbackClass
Dim RC As Integer
RC = OEM.Popup.Add('DISK', 'Disk Performance', 'DISK PERFORMANCE
COMMAND', MyCallBackObject, App.Path & App.EXEName,
'MyClient.MyCallbackClass', 'MyClientName')
In this example, a popup menu item is added for all DISK entities. The caption that
appears on the menu is Disk Performance. When a user selects this item, the command
DISK PERFORMANCE COMMAND is passed back to the client application.