Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
OEM Request API (Client Application to OEM)
Use Popup.Delete to remove a popup menu for a given entity (class or object) from the
EM Framework.
In some cases, the framework might not support true dynamic menus, instead relying on
static menus or other means of invoking commands against objects. In these cases, the
popups might not be removed from the framework, but the OEM Gateway still
maintains popup menu definitions internally for popups added using the Popup.Add
method. Removing one of these popups allows the OEM Gateway to alter its callback
mechanism for the affected entity.
EntityName (input)
is the name of the entity to which the popup applies. This menu can be associated
with entries at any level in the object hierarchy. For example, specifying CPU for
EntityName associates the popup menu with all CPU objects. Specifying
\Dallas\CPU\0 associates the menu only with CPU 0 on node Dallas.
MenuCaption (input)
is the caption that appears on the popup menu for this item.
ClientName (input)
is a client-defined name used to identify the owner of the popup. For most clients
this can simply be the application name. However, more complex clients might need
to use more than one ClientName and CallbackObject to localize processing
for different types of commands (for example, one ClientName and
CallbackObject for DISK commands and another for CPU commands).
Return Value
0 if the request was queued successfully
An OEM error number if an error occurred
For a client application to remove a popup menu, it must first have added it using the
Popup.Add method.
Dim OEM As New OEMClass
Dim RC As Integer
RC = OEM.Popup.Delete('DISK', 'Disk Performance',
Function Popup.Delete(EntityName As String, MenuCaption As
String, ClientName As String) As Integer