Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
OEM Request API (Client Application to OEM)
Use Object.Add to add objects to the EM Framework. To add multiple objects as part of
a single operation, block them together. Although the OEM Gateway could require that
client applications report objects at level n, the EM framework adapter could report at a
higher level. In these cases, only the higher-level objects are added to the framework.
Path (input)
is the full path of all objects included in ObjectNames, for example \NewYork. If
this value is not “”, it is prefixed to each item contained in the ObjectNames list.
This simplifies building the ObjectNames list for client applications in cases
where a large number of objects are to be added.
ObjectNames (input)
is a comma-separated list of all objects to be added, along with their states and any
associated context. The format of ObjectNames is:
ObjectName[:State[:Context]] [,ObjectName[:State[:Context]], …]
is the fully qualified name of the object (unless a Path has been specified).
is the numerical state of the object.
is optional text enclosed in double quotation marks (“). Context is
retained by the OEM Gateway for each object and displayed along with the
object name during Alerts processing.
CallbackObject (input)
is the client’s instantiated callback object. All framework notifications or commands
associated with the objects added in this operation are returned through the supplied
CallbackObject. If this value is Nothing, the callback object associated with the
given ClientName is used.
ClientName (input)
is a client-defined name used to identify the owner of a particular object and
determine the related client callback object. For most clients, this name can simply
be the application name. However, more complex clients might need to use more
than one ClientName and CallbackObject to localize processing for
different types of commands (for example, one ClientName and
CallbackObject for DISK commands and another for CPU commands).
Function Object.Add(Path As String, ObjectNames As String,
CallbackObject As Object, ClientName As String) As Integer