Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Client Callback API (OEM to Client Application)
Use the Move method to inform the client application to move its display window so
that its top left corner is at the specified coordinates.
Left (input)
is the new left position of the window.
Top (input)
is the new top of the window.
Return Value
0 if the client has accepted and handled the request
Non-zero if the client cannot or will not process the request
This method is called by the OEM Gateway when the user or framework has invoked a
window management function (for example, Tile or Cascade).
The client application determines which window should be positioned. It might be the
main window for the application, or it might be a subordinate window that is responsible
for displaying information relevant to the framework or callback object. This is a request
only; the client can choose not to position the window if necessary (for example, if the
user has already explicitly positioned the window).
The OEM Gateway evaluates the return value only as zero or non-zero. A zero return
value from the call indicates that the client has accepted the command, and a non-zero
value indicates the client cannot or will not process the command. It is important that
client applications return the appropriate value, because the OEM Gateway might
behave differently based on the outcome of the call.
If the client application’s WindowManagementEnabled function returns False, this
method is not called by the OEM.
Dim RC As Integer
' ClientCallbackObject was passed in a Popup.Add or Object.Add
' Assume FrameworkWindow is defined elsewhere in the OEM
RC = ClientCallbackObject.Move(FrameworkWindow.Left + 10,
FrameworkWindow.Top + 10)
Function Move(Left As Single, Top As Single) As Integer