Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Adapter Request API (OEM to Adapter)
Popup.Add is used to add a popup menu for a given entity (class or object) to the
framework. The framework subsequently uses the popup to direct commands back to the
OEM Gateway, which in turn passes them through to the appropriate client application.
In some cases, the framework might not support true dynamic menus, instead relying on
static menus or other means of invoking commands against objects. In these cases, the
adapter could choose to do nothing with the information received, but it must support
the method.
EntityName (input)
is the name of the entity to which the popup applies. This menu can be associated
with entries at any level in the object hierarchy. For example, specifying “CPU” for
the EntityName associates the popup menu with all CPU objects. Specifying
“\Dallas\CPU\0” associates the menu only with CPU 0 on node Dallas.
MenuCaption (input)
is the caption that appears on the popup menu for this item.
CallbackObject (input)
is the OEM Server’s instantiated callback object.
CallbackAppName (input)
is the fully qualified (path included) name of the OEM Server. This can be retained
by the adapter to programmatically start the server if needed.
CallbackClassName (input)
is the name of the OEM Server’s callback class. This is required in cases where the
CallbackObject reference has become invalid and the adapter needs to create a new
callback object for the server to return command information.
CallbackType (input)
specifies whether this is a special type of menu item and callback, as follows:
causes the client to receive an automatic callback when a user double-clicks an
item in the framework where the object class name matches EntityName (for
example, EntityName is “Disk,” and the user double-clicks Disk in the
Function Popup.Add(EntityName As String, MenuCaption As
String, CallbackObject As Object, CallbackAppName As String,
CallbackClassName As String, CallbackType As String) As