Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Adapter Request API (OEM to Adapter)
Use the Object.Add method to add objects to the EM Framework. Add multiple objects
as part of a single operation by blocking them together. While the OEM Server can
report objects at level n, the framework itself can report at a higher level. It is the
adapter’s responsibility to roll up objects and propagate states as needed in this case.
Path (input)
is the full path of all objects included in ObjectNames; for example \NewYork. If
this value is not “”, it is prefixed to each item contained in the ObjectNames list.
This simplifies building the ObjectNames list for the OEM Server in cases where
a large number of objects are to be added.
ObjectNames (input)
is a comma-separated list of all objects to be added, along with their states and
potentially associated context.
If the adapter’s IncludeContext method returns False (context is not to be included
with object information), the format of ObjectNames is:
ObjectName[:State] [,ObjectName[:State], …]
is the fully qualified name of the object (unless a Path has been specified).
is the numerical state of the object.
If the adapter’s IncludeContext method returns True (context is to be included with
object information), the format of ObjectNames is:
ObjectName[:State[:Context]][,ObjectName[:State[:Context]], …]
is the fully qualified name of the object (unless a Path has been specified).
is the numerical state of the object.
is optional text enclosed in double quotation marks (“).
Function Object.Add(Path As String, ObjectNames As String,
CallbackObject As Object) As Integer