Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Adapter Request API (OEM to Adapter)
CallbackObject (input)
is the OEM Server’s instantiated callback object. The adapter uses this object to pass
command information from the framework back to the OEM Server.
Return Value
0 if the request was accepted by the adapter
Non-zero if the adapter cannot service the request
State might not be specified for every object in the ObjectNames list.
The OEM Gateway evaluates the return value only as zero or non-zero. A zero return
value from the call indicates that the adapter has accepted the request, and a non-zero
value indicates the adapter cannot or will not process the request. It is important that the
adapter return the appropriate value because the OEM Server might behave differently
based on the outcome of the call.
Dim Adapter As New EMAdapterClass
Dim OEMServerCallbackObject As New OEMServerCallbackClass
Dim RC As Integer
RC = Adapter.Object.Add('\Chicago', 'CPU\0:4, CPU\1:2',
In this example, the Path “\Chicago” is prefixed to each object name. This causes the
object “\Chicago\CPU\0” to be added with state 4 and the object “\Chicago\CPU\1” to
be added with state 2.