Instruction Manual

OEM User’s Guide520330-001
About This Manual
The OEM Gateway consists of a Server component and one or more Adapter
components that provide client applications such as Compaq state monitoring,
performance monitoring, and command and control graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
with a simplified, encapsulated layer to operations management frameworks.
This manual describes how to install, configure, and customize the OEM Server to
monitor OEM objects, and it documents the application programmatic interfaces (APIs)
for both client applications and enterprise management framework adapters.
This manual addresses two audiences:
System managers, network managers, and operators who install, configure, and
customize the OEM Server to monitor OEM objects
Developers planning to use the OEM Server in their own development efforts
This manual consists of five sections and an appendix, as follows:
Section 1, Introducing the Open Enterprise Management Server, provides an
overview of the OEM product and lists hardware and software requirements.
Section 2, Installing the Open Enterprise Management Server, provides information
about setup, files installed, and system registry changes.
Section 3, Configuring the Open Enterprise Management Server, describes how to
customize the behavior of the OEM Server and the appearance of OEM windows.
Section 4, OEM Windows, describes the OEM Server windows that are created
either in response to direct user requests from OEM menus or as a result of
callbacks from framework adapters.
Section 5, Custom Views, describes how to create your own logical groupings of
OEM objects based on any criteria you choose and including only objects whose
states fall within the range you specify.
Appendix A, OEM External Specification, serves as a reference detailing the OEM
architecture and providing descriptions of the APIs for both client applications and
enterprise management framework adapters for developers wanting to use the OEM
Server in their own development efforts.
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