Instruction Manual

OEM External Specification
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
OEM Callback API (Adapter to OEM)
Use the ClientMessage method to pass framework-specific requests or commands to a
client application through the OEM Server. This allows a client to include custom
features for a specific framework or a framework to include custom features for a
specific client. In either case, the OEM Gateway acts as a simple router and pass-
through server; any data sent from the framework is passed unaltered to the specified
ClientName (input)
is the name of the client to receive the message.
Path (input)
is the full path of the selected object. For example, if the selected object is
\NewYork\DISK\$SYSTEM, Path is \NewYork\DISK. This value can be “” if the
message does not relate to a specific object.
ObjectName (input)
is the name of the selected object. For example, if the selected object is
\NewYork\DISK\$SYSTEM, ObjectName is $SYSTEM. This value can be “” if
the message does not relate to a specific object.
Message (input)
is the message to be passed to the client application.
Return Value
0 if the OEM Server has accepted and handled the message
Non-zero if the OEM Server cannot or will not process the message
The OEM Gateway determines the callback object for the message based on the given
ClientName, so the client application must have made itself known previously to the
OEM Gateway by specifying ClientName in a Popup.Add or Object.Add call.
The OEM Gateway returns 0 if it has accepted the command and non-zero if it has not.
If a non-zero value is returned, the adapter is not required to do anything. However, it
might choose to perform some sort of error processing if necessary.
Function ClientMessage(ClientName As String, Path As String,
ObjectName As String, Message As String) As Integer