Instruction Manual

Configuring the Open Enterprise Management
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Keeping Display Windows on Top
To enable display window reuse, in the Display panel, select the Re-Use
Display Forms check box.
All subsequent requests to display a particular type of data use an existing
window of that type if one exists. A new window is created if necessary.
To disable display window reuse, in the Display panel, clear the Re-Use
Display Forms check box.
A new window is created for all subsequent requests to display any type of data.
3. Click OK or Apply to save the change, or click Cancel to discard it.
Keeping Display Windows on Top
You can specify whether each new display window created by the OEM always remains
on top. Windows with the On Top property enabled cannot be obscured by any other
window on your system.
To specify whether display windows stay on top:
1. Open the OEM Options dialog box and click the General tab. (See Opening the
OEM General Options Dialog Box on page 3-2.)
2. Set the Display Forms Stay On Top option:
To enable creation of on top display windows, in the Display panel, check the
Display Forms Stay On Top check box.
All subsequent display windows created by the OEM Server are created with the
On Top attribute set. This option remains in effect until another On Top window
is created.
To disable creation of On Top display windows, in the Display panel, clear the
Display Forms Stay On Top check box.
All subsequent display windows are created without the On Top attribute set.
3. Click OK or Apply to save the change, or click Cancel to discard it.
Automatically Closing Max Alerts Windows as They Are Used
The OEM Server displays a Max Alerts window in response to a request from a
framework adapter or if you choose Max Alerts from an OEM window menu. The Max
Alerts window contains a list of all objects in the OEM database whose state is equal to
the highest state of any object in the database. For example, if the highest state of any
object in the OEM’s database is 7, a Max Alerts window contains a list of all objects
whose state is 7.
When you select an object in a Max Alerts window, the OEM sends a Max Alert
command to the client application that reported that object. You can specify whether the
OEM should close the Max Alerts window once you have selected an object or whether
the window should remain open so that you can choose other objects.
To specify whether Max Alerts windows are closed once they are used: