Instruction Manual

Configuring the Open Enterprise Management
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Opening the OEM Logging Dialog Box
Enabling OEM Timer Tracing on page 3-14
Opening the OEM Logging Dialog Box
To open the OEM Logging dialog box:
1. Do one of the following:
Right-click the OEM icon in the system tray and choose Options from the
From the View menu of any OEM display window, choose Options.
The OEM Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the Logging tab if it is not already selected.
Setting the Size of the Log
You can specify how many messages the OEM Server should retain in its in-memory
log. Storing more messages lets you look further back to detect problems or determine
when parts of the OEM environment changed state, but it consumes more memory. The
OEM default setting of 500 messages should be more than sufficient for most
installations, but you can alter that value if necessary.
To set the number of log messages the OEM Server retains in the in-memory log:
1. Open the OEM Options dialog box and click the Logging tab. (See Opening the
OEM Logging Dialog Box on page 3-13.)
2. Type the new value in the Number Of Log Messages To Retain field, or use the up
arrow and down arrow to adjust the value.
3. Click OK or Apply to save the change, or click Cancel to discard it.
Enabling API and Error Tracing
The OEM Server can support many clients and framework adapters simultaneously.
Because these entities are all independent, it can be difficult to determine exactly what is
going on when one or more pieces are not operating correctly.
To help resolve these situations, the OEM Server supplies an API call and error tracing
mechanism so that you can view all interactions with the OEM Server. You can
understand exactly how clients and framework adapters are using the OEM Server and
where things might be going wrong.
Caution. API call and error tracing is disabled by default. You can enable it as needed, but
doing so can have a performance impact on the OEM Server. Use API call and error tracing
only to diagnose an existing problem.