Instruction Manual

OEM Windows
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Opening an Alerts Window
Opening an Alerts Window
You can open an Alerts window using any of the following methods:
Right-click the OEM icon in the system tray and choose Alerts from the menu.
From an OEM Max Alerts window View menu, choose Alerts.
From an enterprise management framework menu, choose Alerts.
The Re-Use Display Forms option setting affects how Alerts windows are created:
If Re-Use Display Forms is checked, an Alerts window is created the first time you
choose Alerts from a menu. If you subsequently choose Alerts from a menu again,
the existing Alerts window is used to display the newly requested data.
If Re-Use Display Forms is cleared, a new Alerts window is created every time you
choose Alerts from a menu.
Alerts Window Fields
The Alerts window contains the following fields for each object:
Path The complete path for the object. For example, if the object
added is \CHICAGO\DISK\$DATA, Path contains
Name The name of the object. For example, if the object added is
\CHICAGO\DISK\$DATA, Name contains $DATA.
State The numeric state of the object. This value is defined by the
client application that reported the object.
Context The client-defined context data associated with the object. In
general, this field contains descriptive text identifying the reason
the object is in its reported state.
Client Name The name of the client application that reported this object.