Instruction Manual

OEM Windows
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Keeping the Max Alerts Window on Top
Keeping the Max Alerts Window on Top
You can specify whether each new Max Alerts window created by the OEM always
remains on top. Windows with the On Top property enabled cannot be obscured by any
other window on your system.
When the OEM creates a new Max Alerts window, it sets the window’s On Top
property based on the Display Forms Stay On Top option setting:
If Display Forms Stay On Top is checked, the new window is created with its On
Top property enabled.
If Display Forms Stay On Top is not checked, the new window is created with its
On Top property disabled.
To override the default value and toggle the On Top property of an individual window:
If Stay On Top is checked on the View menu, the current window is an On Top
window. To disable the On Top attribute, choose Stay On Top from the View menu .
If Stay On Top is not checked on the View menu, the current window is not an on
top window. To enable the On Top attribute, choose Stay On Top from the View
Repeatedly selecting Stay On Top from the View menu toggles the On Top
attribute on and off.
Refreshing Max Alerts Window Contents
Because the OEM Server automatically updates all display windows whenever new data
is received from a client application, there is usually no reason to perform a manual
refresh. However, if a window has been locked for some period of time, it might not
contain current data. To update the contents with the latest data, choose Refresh from
the View menu.
Creating a New Max Alerts Window
To create a new Max Alerts window to view a different set of data:
1. From the View menu, choose New.
2. Choose Max Alerts Window to create a new Alerts window.
Navigating to Client Applications
The OEM Server gives you access to active client applications so you can view detailed
information on objects and their states. To navigate to the client that reported a
particular object, click the object in the Max Alerts window. A Max Alert message is
sent to the associated client and that client then provides detailed information about the
object’s state and history.