Instruction Manual

OEM Windows
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Sorting Clients Window Items
Help Menu
Items in the Help menu provide access to information about using the OEM Server.
Sorting Clients Window Items
To sort the Clients window list by any of the Clients window fields, click the column
heading by which you want to sort:
Clicking once sorts objects in ascending order.
Clicking twice sorts objects in descending order.
Sizing Clients Window Columns
You can resize the columns in the Clients window:
To resize each of the columns in the window, select the divider between column
headings and drag it right or left as desired.
To resize all columns at once:
1. From the View menu, choose Size Columns.
2. Choose Defaults, Size To Window, or Size To Contents. The behavior of each
of these options is as follows:
The OEM saves the adjusted column widths in the system registry. These values are
used the next time a Clients window is created.
Aligning Clients Windows
You can resize and align all Clients windows using the dimensions of the currently
selected Clients window:
To align Clients windows, choose Align Windows from the View menu. All Clients
windows are tiled and resized to match the current window.
Menu Item Action Performed
Contents Displays the Help file table of contents.
Search Displays the Help file search dialog.
About Displays OEM Server version information.
Menu Item Action Performed
Defaults Sizes each column using the saved value for that column.
Size To Window Sizes each column using a fixed percentage of available
Size To Contents Sizes each column based on the largest item in the