Instruction Manual

OEM Windows
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Aligning Popups Windows
2. Choose Defaults, Size To Window, or Size To Contents. The behavior of each
of these options is as follows:
The OEM saves the adjusted column widths in the system registry. These values are
used the next time a Popups window is created.
Aligning Popups Windows
You can resize and align all Popups windows using the dimensions of the currently
selected Popups window:
To align Popups windows, choose Align Windows from the View menu. All
Popups windows are tiled and resized to match the current window.
To specify the tiling method, choose Top Down or Side By Side from the OEM
Options window General tab.
Locking the Popups Window
The OEM Server automatically updates all display windows whenever it receives new
data from a client application. In some cases, you might want to prevent this from
occurring for a particular window; for example, if you are analyzing the data in the
window and want to ensure that it does not change until you are finished.
To lock and unlock a window:
To lock a display window, choose Locked from the View menu.
The indicator (Locked) is appended to the window title, and the OEM does not
update the window contents if new data is received. You can manually update the
window at any time by choosing Refresh from the View menu.
To unlock a display window and re-enable updates, choose Locked from the View
menu again.
The (Locked) indicator disappears, and the OEM updates the window the next time
new data is received.
Repeatedly selecting Locked from the View menu toggles the locked attribute on
and off.
Menu Item Action Performed
Defaults Sizes each column using the saved value for that column.
Size To Window Sizes each column using a fixed percentage of available
Size To Contents Sizes each column based on the largest item in the