Instruction Manual

Custom Views
OEM User’s Guide520330-001
Setting Object Specifiers and State Filters
contain any number of specifiers, and only objects that match at least one of the
specifiers will be included in the view.
Object Specifiers consist of two separate parts: a template string and an optional state
filtering expression. The format of the template string must adhere to the following
It can contain any number of levels.
A backslash path delimiter must separate levels (\).
Any level can contain the wildcard characters *, ?, and #, where * corresponds to
any number of characters, ? corresponds to any single character, and # corresponds
to any single digit from 0 through 9.
The OEM reserved characters backslash (\) and comma (,) cannot be included.
If the final level of the template is *, you do not need to include it unless it is at the
root level. For example, \Chicago\Disk\* is equivalent to \Chicago\Disk from a
template standpoint. At the root level, however, you must include the * to get all
objects because a null specifier template will not match any objects.
For example, the template \*\Process matches all Process objects on all nodes. The
template \SanFran\Disk\$Data* matches all Disk objects on node SanFran whose names
begin with $Data. And the template \A*\*\?ATM* matches all objects on any node
beginning with the letter A whose name began with any character, followed by the
letters ATM, and optionally followed by any other text.
The state filtering portion of a specifier, if supplied, allows you to further limit the
number of items within a view by only including those objects whose states fall within a
specified range. This capability lets you target the items of highest interest to you. For
example, a specifier might be \*\CPU, State >= 6. This matches all CPUs on any node
whose state is greater than or equal to 6.
The OEM evaluates each view’s specifiers whenever a client application updates the
OEM. This process involves querying the central OEM database and comparing each
object to each specifier for each active view. If an object in the OEM database matches
the specifier’s template, and that object’s state falls within the range dictated by the
specifier’s state filter expression, that object is added to the Custom View in question.
Because each specifier is re-evaluated whenever the OEM is updated by a client
application, it is critical to note here that the set of objects contained within a particular
Custom View can change as these updates occur. For example, if you specify a state
filter, and an object’s state changes as part of an update, that object can no longer pass
the filter and is removed from the view as a result.
Viewing Existing Specifiers
To view the existing specifiers for a Custom View, choose Properties from the View
menu, or click Configure View Properties on the toolbar. The properties dialog box for
the Custom View appears. The current specifier templates and filter expressions are
listed under Specifiers.