
f the PE status data stopped refreshing after working OK
For the SIM Plug-in component check the following;
o Use the checks for the NonStop and Linux agents to see that they are
o Enable the SIM Debug and set Debug Levels for com -> sim ->
performance -> comm to 20. This will log messages to the
mxdomainmgr.0.log file within your SIM installation directory on your
For the NonStop Host Agent component check the following;
o Measure Subsystem (Meassubsys) needs to be running.
o License file (Licfile) within your Performance Essentials NonStop
subvolume needs to be populated with the correct license. License
version should match VPROC of HSCWRK.
o Files running needs to match file list from 4.2.4 (NonStop) Agents
o Use EMS messages for your NonStop system to ensure that your
Performance Essentials license is not expired or expiring within 30
For the Linux Host Agent component check the following;
o License file (in the following location /var/www/html
0.1/license.dat) needs to be populated with the correct license. License
version should match Linux Host Agent version.
o Files running needs to match file list from 4.1.4 (Linux) Agents
If all checks are OK then the component(s) activation should be OK, if not
then corrective (using the appropriate steps) action is required to satisfy the
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Performance Essentials HP SIM Client and NonStop & Linux Host User Guide – 544813 – 004