Owner's manual

Example 2 Sample .exrc File
" arrow keys
map <Ctrl-V><up-arrow> k
map! <Ctrl-V><up-arrow> <Ctrl-V><Esc>ki
map <Ctrl-V><down-arrow> j
map! <Ctrl-V><down-arrow> <Ctrl-V><Esc>ji
map <Ctrl-V><right-arrow> l
map! <Ctrl-V><right-arrow> <Ctrl-V><Esc>li
map <Ctrl-V><left-arrow> h
map! <Ctrl-V><left-arrow> <Ctrl-V><Esc>hi
" Insert key
map <Ctrl-V><Insert> i
" Delete key
map <Ctrl-V><Delete> x
map! <Ctrl-V><Delete> <Esc>xi
" Page Up key
map <Ctrl-V><Page Up> <Ctrl-V><Ctrl-B>
map! <Ctrl-V><Page Up> <Ctrl-V><Esc><Ctrl-B>i
" Page Down key
map <Ctrl-V><Page Down> <Ctrl-V><Ctrl-F>
map! <Ctrl-V><Page Down> <Ctrl-V><Esc><Ctrl-F>i
The map command maps a vi command to a command key. The map! command performs the
same mapping for text input mode.
Create a Sample Edit File
Before you get started with the following examples of vi, you need to create a sample file to edit.
Create that file with the cat command as follows:
$ cat > my.file
You can use this text file
to experiment with vi.
Opening a File
The basic syntax for vi is the same whether you are creating a new file or opening an existing
vi file
file is the name of either the new file you are creating or the existing file you are opening.
To open the file my.file, enter:
$ vi my.file
Your screen should look like the following:
You can use this text file
to experiment with vi.
"my.file" 2 lines, 46 characters
Getting Started 157