Owner's manual

Running vproc Interactively
vproc can be run interactively. Starting an interactive vproc process from the OSS environment
allows you to retrieve information for multiple, unrelated files.
To start a vproc process, enter vproc after the OSS shell prompt.
vproc displays text similar to the following:
vproc T9617G03 (01 MAY 2002) SYSTEM \ACME Date 15 JAN,
Enter filename:
After the vproc prompt (>), you can enter an OSS pathname value for a file in the OSS file system.
vproc accepts the wild-card asterisk (*) in OSS pathnames.
NOTE: In interactive mode you must enter the absolute pathname for the file, even if you are
running vproc from the directory that the file is in.
To exit vproc, enter Ctrl-Y at the vproc prompt.
In the following example, vproc displays information about the OSS command who.
/bin: vproc
VPROC - T9617G03 - (01 MAY 2001)SYSTEM \KT22 Date 15 JAN 2002,
Enter filename:
> /bin/who
GMT Binder timestamp: 03MAR2001 13:51:07
Version procedure: T8432G05_15NOV97_CRTLMAIN
Version procedure: T8626D40_15JUN96_AAD_OSSUTIL
Native Mode: runnable file
> EOF!
Interpreting vproc Output
vproc returns as much information as it can about a file. Running vproc can result in either a
successful retrieval or a partial or unsuccessful retrieval.
Successful Retrievals
vproc provides the following product version information in a successful retrieval:
Displayed InformationDisplayed Label
Indicates the OSS or UNIX archive member filename. This information
appears only for ar-format archive files.
Archive member:
Indicates the date and time the object file was generated. This
timestamp is either the time when the object was compiled or the time
when the object was processed by the Binder program.
Binder timestamp:
Indicates the date and time the ELF file was created in Greenwich mean
time (GMT or UTC). This information appears only for appropriate file
GMT binder timestamp:
Identifies the type of product, product number, and version level. There
can be multiple version procedures per product. The version procedure
Version procedure:
information has the following
is the T number of the corresponding product.rvv is the version of the
product.ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy is the release date of the product
version.nnnnnn is the abbreviated product name of the code.xxxxxx
is optional information for use by HP.
182 Displaying Version Information With vproc