Owner's manual

The following table lists the available OSS Core Utilities commands as of the J06.17 and H06.28
RVUs. This list is not a comprehensive list.
Print machine hardware name (same as uname -m).arch
base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output.base64
Strip directory and suffix from filenames.basename
GNU Bourne-Again SHell.bash
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression.bzgrep
Block-sorting file compressor.bzip2
Concatenate files and print on the standard output.cat
Change group ownership.chgrp
Change file mode bits.chmod
Change file owner and group.chown
Run command or interactive shell with special root directory.chroot
checksum and count the bytes in a file.cksum
Compare two files byte by byte.cmp
Compare two sorted files line by line.comm
Copy files and directories.cp
Split a file into sections determined by context lines.csplit
Remove sections from each line of files.cut
Print or set the system date and time.date
Convert and copy a file.dd
Report file system disk space usage.df
Compare files line by line.diff
Compare three files line by line.diff3
List directory contents.dir
Color setup for ls.dircolors
Strip last component from file name.dirname
Estimate file space usage.du
Display a line of text.echo
Run a program in a modified environment.env
Convert tabs to spaces.expand
Evaluate expressions.expr
Factor numbers.factor
Do nothing, unsuccessfully.false
Search for files in a directory hierarchy.find
Simple optimal text formatter.fmt
Wrap each input line to fit in specified width.fold
Search one or more input files for lines matching a specified pattern.grep
186 OSS Core Utilities User Commands