Owner's manual

&, 138
&&, 35
( ), 37
*, 30
.exrc file and vi editor, 156
.profile file, 43, 88
aliases, 40
example, 48
reexecuting, 40
/ directory (slash directory), 27, 116
/E directory
-W NOE flag, 69, 94, 102, 104, 120, 133, 150,
152, 153
Expand network, 28, 69
OSS file system, 68
permissions, 124
recursive behavior and, 133
specifying objects in, 69
UTILSGE variable, 45, 133
/etc/profile file, 43
/G directory
-W NOG flag, 69, 94, 102, 104, 120, 133, 150,
152, 153
-W NOG flag, 69, 94, 102, 104, 120, 133, 150,
152, 153
accessing files, 69
Guardian fileset, 28
OSS file system, 68
permissions, 124
recursive behavior and, 133
specifying objects in, 69
UTILSGE variable, 45, 69, 133
UTILSGE variable, 45, 69, 133
6530 emulation, 85
>, 136
>>, 136
?, 30
[ ], 30
\, 38
{ }, 37
||, 35
~, 29, 116
” “, 38
Absolute pathnames, 28
Absolute permissions, 126
access() function, 132
add_define command, 33, 55, 65
AF_UNIX sockets, 132
alias command, 33, 39, 55, 65
defining, 39
displaying definitions, 40
exporting, 40
in .profile file, 40
removing, 39
Application development commands, 60
apropos command, 54, 55
ar command, 55
Archive member
information, 182
Archives, 151
Arrays, 31
at command, 55, 143
Auditing of files, 131
awk command, 55
AXCEL timestamp information, 183
Background processes
canceling, 141
running, 138
Backslash character, 38
Backups, 89
banner command, 55
basename command, 55
BASH shell, 31
batch command, 55, 145
bc command, 55
bg command, 33, 55, 65
bind() function, 132
Binder timestamp information, 182
break command, 33, 55, 65
c89 command, 55
cal command, 56
cancel command, 56, 74, 100
Canceling print jobs, 100
cat command, 56, 96
cd command, 33, 56, 66, 93, 114
CDPATH variable, 44
directories, 114
groups, 130
owners, 130
permissions, 124
charmap(4), 67
chdir() function, 133
chgrp command, 56, 130
chmod command, 56, 124
chmod() function, 132
chown command, 56, 130
chown() function, 132
chroot() function, 133
cksum command, 56
clear command, 56
cmp command, 56
cobol command, 56