Owner's manual

overview, 26
permissions, 121, 125
printing, 98
removing, 106
renaming, 103
searching, 147
sorting, 105
transferring, 151
types, 111
mounting, 89
overview, 30
unmounting, 89
Filters, 36
find command, 57, 138, 149
Finding files, 149
FIPS, 25
flex command, 57
Flow control, 31
fold command, 57
Foreground processes, 138
fork() function, 132
commands, 63
files with pr command, 96
FPATH variable, 44
FTP, 153
ftp command, 57, 153
gencat command, 57
genxlt command, 57
getconf command, 57
getopts command, 33, 57, 66
GMT binder timestamp information, 182
gname command, 57
grep command, 57, 147
changing, 130
chgrp command, 130
overview, 122
gtacl command, 57, 72, 74, 75
Guardian environment, interoperability with OSS, 22
Guardian file system
/G directory, 28
inode numbers, 72
overview, 68
Guardian spooler, 98
Guardian-specific commands, 62
Hard links, 108
hash command, 33, 57, 66
head command, 57
HISTFILE variable, 44
history command, 33, 40, 57
HISTSIZE variable, 41, 44
Home directory, 27
HOME variable, 44
HP NonStop operating system, 22
iconv command, 57
id command, 57
IEEE, 24
IEEE Std 1003.1-1990, 25
IFS variable, 44
info_define command, 33, 57, 66
Input, redirecting, 135
Integer arithmetic, 31
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 24,
/E directory, 71
gtacl command, 72
Guardian processes, 72
OSS processes, 73
ipcrm command, 57
ipcs command, 57
ISO, 24, 25
ISO/IEC 9945, 25
ISO/IEC standards, 25
Job control, 31
Job scheduling
at command, 143
batch command, 145
crontab command, 145
jobs command, 33, 57, 66, 141
join command, 57
kill command, 34, 57, 66, 74, 76, 141
kill() function, 132
Korn shell, 31
ksh command, 59
let command, 34, 57, 66
lex command, 57
line command, 57
LINENO variable, 44
LINES variable, 44
link() function, 132
Linking files, 108
hard, 108
removing, 110
soft, 108
symbolic, 108
commands, 64
directories, 114, 116
files and directories, 93
ln command, 57, 108
local(4), 67
locale command, 57