Owner's manual

Processes locale and character map files.localedef(1)
Makes entries in the system log.logger(1)
Displays the user’s login name.logname(1)
Sends files to a printer.lp(1)
Displays line printer and print job status information.lpstat(1)
Lists and generates statistics for files.ls(1)
Maintains program dependencies.make(1)
Displays reference pages.man(1)
Preprocesses a message source file.mkcatdefs(1)
Makes a new directory.mkdir(1)
Makes FIFO special files.mkfifo(1)
Displays a file one screenful at a time.more(1)
Moves files and directories.mv(1)
Manipulates text and matches patterns in files.nawk(1), awk(1)
Returns a standard exit value.newgrp(1)
Runs a command at a different priority.nice(1)
Creates an executable object file from one or more relinkable objects.nld(1)
Displays the symbol table of an object file.nm(1)
Compiles native COBOL85 programs.nmcobol(1)
Reads and displays information from TNS/R native object files.noft(1)
Runs a utility, ignoring hangups.nohup(1)
Writes the contents of a file to the standard output file.od(1)
Compresses files.pack(1)
Joins lines from one or more files.paste(1)
Applies changes to files.patch(1)
Checks pathnames.pathchk(1)
Extracts, writes, and lists archive files.pax(1)
Displays the OSS equivalent of a Guardian filename.pname(1)
Writes a file to the standard output file.pr(1)
Provides shell output (a shell built-in command).print(1)
Writes formatted output.printf(1)
Displays current process status.ps(1)
Displays the current directory pathname.pwd(1)
Reads one line from the standard input file (a shell built-in command).read(1)
Marks specified names as read-only (a shell built-in command).readonly(1)
Restores a DEFINE’s attributes to their initial settings (a shell built-in command).reset_define(1)
Causes a shell function to return to the invoking script (a shell built-in command).return(1)
Removes (unlinks) files or directories.rm(1)
58 OSS Commands and Utilities