User guide

NonStop dba/m Database Manager for NonStop SQL/MP User’s Guide 522632-004 14-1
Using dba/m Database Manager index-management windows, you can
Create indexes
Alter indexes
Drop indexes
Rename indexes
Add comments to an index
Display index statistics
You can manage indexes by accessing windows from the Object Tree, the
Custom Tree, or the Indexes button.
The procedures in this chapter only describe how to access index
management windows from the Index button. Refer to Chapter 3 for
information about managing indexes from the Object Tree, and Chapter 4
for information about the Custom Tree.
Creating an Index
Using the Create Index window, you can create an index on a table. You
can define all of the attributes of an index, including the index partitions.
To display the Create Index window, click on Index in the Main window,
then click on Create. The Create Index window is displayed, as shown in
Figure 14-1.